
Name: Ricardo

Approximate Age: 1-2


Ricardo is a resilient and affectionate bunny who has truly blossomed under the care of his foster family. He has formed a special bond with them, delighting in the comfort of their laps and gentle petting. He explores his surroundings with curiosity and often hops onto the couch to lounge with his people. Ricardo loves his toys and finds joy in his hidey box and tunnel. His love for hay is unmatched, and he’s often found munching away contentedly.

Ricardo is ready to thrive in a patient home where he can continue building trust at his own pace. His excellent litter box skills make him a great candidate for free-roaming, and we believe he would enjoy the company of a friendly female bunny to further boost his confidence.

Likes: Supervised outdoor time, gentle and patient people, being pet by those that he trusts, stacking cups, his hidey box and tunnel, oxbow treats, ear scratches when he's content and calm, hay (loves hay so much!)

Dislikes: sudden loud noises, people who do not take the time to earn his trust, being trapped or cornered, forced cuddles, being picked up.

Health: Healthy, neutered, and vaccinated

Housing Requirements:

ABB adopts bunnies to live indoors. Creating a spacious and enriching environment is important for your bunnies mental and physical health. Please see our housing section for housing ideas and requirements. If you are unsure what supplies to purchase please reach out to us so we can assist you in purchasing the right supplies for your new companion.

Adoption Fee:


Additional Notes:

Ricardo came into our care after he was found abandoned outside, suffering from a massive abscess on his leg. He immediately received the necessary medical care. In his initial weeks with us, Ricardo was very fearful, hiding in the back of his pen and trembling whenever someone approached.

If you’re interesting in me, please review the Adoption Information then complete the Adoption Form.



