
Name: Annie

Approximate Age: 2 years


Annie is a curious and playful bunny looking for her forever home! Annie is highly food-motivated and loves head rubs, exploring, and playing with toys—especially her beloved tunnel. She enjoys doing binkies and exploring her large enclosure. Annie appreciates slow movements and gentle conversation.

While she’s still learning to trust, Annie has made huge strides in a very short time. She enjoys quiet affection and is becoming bolder every week. Annie dislikes being picked up, so she’ll thrive in a home that respects her boundaries and gives her the space to feel comfortable.

Likes: food, treats head rubs, exploring, toys, tunnels, doing binkies, being talked to. 

Dislikes: being picked up, being startled

Health: spayed & vaccinated

Housing Requirements:

ABB adopts bunnies to live indoors. Creating a spacious and enriching environment is important for your bunnies mental and physical health. Please see our housing section for housing ideas and requirements. If you are unsure what supplies to purchase please reach out to us so we can assist you in purchasing the right supplies for your new companion.

Adoption Fee:


Additional Notes:

If you’re interesting in me, please review the Adoption Information then complete the Adoption Form.




Jessie & Edmond